Facts & Figures
CFO, Ola Karlsson shares his thoughts on 2022
Hard work behind record results
“2022 marked another year of record sales and record earnings for the group. Our companies have done a fantastic job of managing challenges in the world with the pandemic, war, disruptions in global supply chains and continued price inflation. Demand has remained strong in all business groups, and we stand financially strong in the face of the more uncertain times ahead of us.
All our companies, both existing and newly acquired, have contributed to the strong results. Looking ahead to our continued acquisition journey, I am pleased and proud that our debt financing is now 100 percent sustainability linked. A clear stamp of quality on our sustainability work and our sustainability reporting, and proof that our lenders see our initiatives and targets as relevant and ambitious. An excellent incentive to keep up the good work.”
Facts & Figures
1.3 billion
in result
in sales
in organic
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